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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with a disability, their families and carers. Part of this system is respite care, a service designed to provide carers with relief and participants with additional support for a time.

If you're a carer, respite care can give you a short break from caring for someone with a disability. It can help you make some time for yourself and recharge, all while making sure the person you're caring for is getting the care they need.

However, working out how to get respite care and navigating the system can be difficult. Here's what you need to know about making use of respite care.

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NDIS Respite Care
NDIS Respite Care Melbourne

What is Respite? 

Respite usually refers to the funding and support NDIS participants can get for accommodation away from their usual home.

It falls under the banner of Short Term Accommodation (STA) and covers the cost of care for up to 14 days at a time. Participants can stay by themself with care provided, or with other people around, ensuring there are options for all types.

Many respite care providers even run activities and workshops where participants can try new things or learn new skills.

Respite care can also be provided through an informal support network, such as friends or family members. However, care from informal supports is not funded by the NDIS.

How does respite care NDIS funding work?

Respite care generally supports caring arrangements between participants and unpaid carers, offering short-term support outside of the participant's typical NDIS supports.

Most respite care arrangements are in blocks of 14 days or less. That can be multiple blocks of 14 days, but eligibility for this will vary. Any stays longer than 14 days will come under a different type of NDIS funding such as Medium Term Accommodation or Supported Independent Living.

Melbourne Respite Care NDIS

What does respite include?

As well as general short-term accommodation, most respite will include assistance with self-care, overnight support and provide food.

Many STA providers also help participants access community activities and other activities for personal growth. This can be entertainment on-site or off-site, lessons for daily living skills, workshops for picking up new hobbies and more. This gives participants opportunities to make new friends and develop their skills in a welcoming and relaxing environment.

Of course, all of this will depend on the STA provider chosen and eligibility, so make sure to do your research before committing to one STA provider or another.

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How do I choose the right respite NDIS provider?

A good first step is to talk to your NDIS support coordinator about your needs and what kind of respite care you're looking for. They'll be able to help you understand the different types of respite care that are available and how much each one will cost under the NDIS. They can also help you figure out what's available and which STA providers meet your specific support needs.

You'll also need to make sure you can get enough STA funding through the NDIS to cover the entire stay. The NDIS usually funds up to 28 days of STA per year, but this will vary from person to person.

NDIS Respite Care Provider Melbourne

What levels of support are available for respite care?

Different providers offer different levels of support, so it's important to find one that can meet your needs. Some respite care providers may only offer basic assistance, while others may be able to provide more comprehensive support.

While low and mid-level support needs are well catered for, if the person you're caring for has very high support needs, they may need a specialised respite care facility.

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Friendly and local facilities

We have state of the art short-term respite centres located across the city, close to scenic areas and lively streets. With short walks to local parks, public transport, and shops, Crescent Respite is ideal for suburban getaways.
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Respite care NDIS at Crescent Respite

Crescent Respite offers NDIS-funded respite care for people of all abilities and ages. With more than 40 comfortable rooms completely fitted with amenities and disability supports, as well as spaces dedicated to relaxation, recovery, and discovery, we provide a space where people can reorient themselves and return to daily life better than ever.

Facilities include a library, sensory garden, full-access kitchen, art rooms and spaces for relaxation. This way, participants can relax and engage with activities in the way that best suits them. Whether you're looking for overnight respite, day respite, or something longer-term, our team can help you.

Each participant is supported by our full team throughout their stay. We provide a holistic care plan, working with participants to target problem areas during both their time with us and into the future. This way, participants can continue the good work they started at Crescent Respite when they're back home.

If you're interested in learning more, contact us today, or book a tour and see for yourself.

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