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What are NDIS Capacity Building Supports?

NDIS capacity building is about developing the skills and knowledge of people with disability, their families and carers, as well as organisations that support them. The NDIS (National Disability and Insurance Scheme) provides support and support coordination through what's known as support budgets. Capacity Building is one of these budgets, and covers a wide range of activities and supports designed to help develop independence and life skills.

If you're starting out with the NDIS, it's important to understand the budgets. They're the core of how the NDIS operates and will help you get the funding you need for support.
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Understanding the Budgets

There are three categories of support budget in every NDIS plan: the Core Support budget, the Capacity Building Support budget, and Capital Supports budget. These cover every part of the plan, from coordinating basic support to home modifications.

To make them easier to understand, each support budget is broken down into what's called line items. These items simply represent the sub-categories of support that are available under the NDIS. Depending on whether your supports budget is flexible or not, you may be able to get funding in one or more areas, and change funding depending on your needs and goals.
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The Capacity Building Supports Budget

In this article, we'll be looking at the Capacity Building Supports budget. This budget was created to assist you in developing your independence and skills so that you can set and reach life goals, such as building relationships, learning new skills, and getting better at daily living.

While the Core Supports budget can be moved from one support category to another, the Capacity Building Supports budget can't. This means that if funding is approved for capacity building, it can only be used for sub-categories of capacity building.

Capacity building support categories

In Your Plan In the myplace portal Description
Support Coordination Support Coordination This is a fixed amount for a Support Coordinator to help you use your plan.
Improved Living Arrangements CB Home Living Support to help you find and maintain an appropriate place to live.
Increased Social & Community Participation CB Social Community and Civic Participation Development and training to increase your skills so you can participate in community, social and recreational activities.
Finding a Keeping a Job CB Employment This may include employment-related support, training and assessments that help you find and keep a job, such as the school leaver employment supports.
Improved Relationships CB Relationships This support will help you develop positive behaviours and interact with others.
Improved Health & Wellbeing CB Health and Wellbeing Including exercise or diet advice to manage the impact of your disability. The NDIS does not fund gym memberships.
Improved Learning CB Lifelong Learning Examples include training, advice and help for you to move from school to further education, such as university or TAFE.
Improved Life Choices CB Choice and Control Plan management to help you manage your plan, funding and paying for services.
Improved Daily Living CB Daily Activity Assessment, training or therapy to help increase your skills, independence and community participation. These services can be delivered in groups or individually.

So how can capacity building help you?

Capacity building is all about giving you the skills and abilities you need to live a full and healthy life. This can include things like:
Learning how to communicate effectively
Developing your social skills
Understanding how to save and spend money
Getting support when going to work
Getting help with cleaning the house or cooking meals
Assistance with social and community participation
And much more.
All of these skills are important in helping you to reach your goals, but of course, you won't need all of them. The beauty of the capacity-building budget is being able to get support where you need it most.

Choosing the supports that are right for you is super important. By prioritising your needs early on in your application, you can make sure your funding will be allocated correctly across all the items lined out in the capacity building supports budget.
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Getting help with your budget

Whether you're a carer putting together an NDIS plan for someone else, or you're putting together your own NDIS plan, getting help with support budgets can help you make the most of the funding available.

As a registered NDIS provider, Crescent Respite can provide you with expert help and advice on putting together your supports budget and NDIS plan. Our experienced support coordinator can discuss your needs with you to arrange your NDIS plan in the way that benefits you the most.

If you would like to find out more about how Crescent Respite can help you with your NDIS support budget, please get in touch.
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